1) The well-made body
Sports, gymnastics, greek plastic
2) Creature in creation
Native peoples, open-air life on the lake and in the mountains
3) Breeding of the will
Young people of today, workers and peasants, youth portraits and great power-heads of art
4) Shine and soul
Virgin, mother, Madonna, family and children - works of art from the Middle Ages to the Biedermeier period
5) Dignity of the people
Peoples of foreign continents and Europe, especially in detail Germanism outside and within the imperial borders
6) Splendor and mood of the culture
The recurring Venus, the lady from the Renaissance to the new era in great works of art, fashion, ornamental cultures of the Far East, theater, film, dance
7) The grandeur of the last things: God and Spirit, destiny, age and death
Art, ascending to Michelangelo and Grünewald, brilliant faces, beautiful elders, death masks