This very heavily illustrated linen covered book records the evolution of the world’s first freeway system, from concept to reality in the third year of its construction.
The text and maps explain the construction standards, traffic density and the route system of the Autobahn.
The book starts with the history of the Reichsautobahn, then a map of the grid per 1st June 1936, building progress and workers, the highway Königsberg-Elbing, Beuthen-Breslau-Berlin, the workers on the Reichsautobahn, Berliner Ring and Berlin Stettin, Berlin-Hannover, Lübeck-Hamburg-Bremen, Investigation and treatment of the underground, Ruhrgebiet and Rheinland, new assignments for the engineer, Bautzen-Dresden-Weimar, Halle-Leipzig-Nurnberg-Munchen, Road and Landscape, Kassel-Frankfurt-(Kaiserslautern)-Karlsruhe, the pavements of the Freeway, the basics of the line guidance, Karlsruhe-Stuttgart-Munich-Salzburg and Deutsche Alpenstraße, the Reichsautobahn as a model for a new building conviction and map of archaeological findings at the Highway. |