Flying and Victory
This scarce stereo book was published by Raumbild Verlag Otto Schönstein in 1942
It has 88 pages, with 8 full page color photos, thick bevelled boards with five recesses to hold the
100 original stereographs (2 2/7" x 5") of the Air Force, and the metal viewer.
I know of no other way for a history buff to observe a three-dimensional view of Reichsmarschall Hermann Goring
and his pilots (including the likes of Knights Cross of the Iron Cross winner Werner Molders, Udet, Jope, Joppien), etc.
Naturally, the subject of the German Air Force covers a wide range. Among the 100 three-dimensional views are photos of
combat and service personnel, flights of aircraft, maintenance of aircraft, wreckage of enemy aircraft, battle damage to cities,
Fallschirmjager (paratroopers), Crete, Greece, Athen, Saloniki, Chalkis, medical evacuation teams, flak units as well as aircraft
like the Messerschmitt Me109, Heinkel He111, Junkers Ju87 Stuka, Ju52, Focke-Wulf Condor, and Donier Sea Planes.
The pictures are of course, double pictures, printed on photographic paper from a negative, and appear very realistic
(3-dimensional) when examined in the viewer. No other photo process can give the viewer an equal feeling of actually
“being there”. Each picture is numbered and has a complete description of the scene printed on the back.
Approx/Measurements of the book: 11-3/4" x 8-1/2" ~2.9 lbs.
Condition of this stereoview book:
The book is in very good exterior and good interior condition, occasionally mild foxing to pages.
The stereographs are in near fine condition.
The metal viewer is in very good condition.